New Aerosol Module for Handheld MX908
19th May 2021

The Aero: Detect and identify toxic aerosols and vapor threats
908 Devices has launched a new Aerosol Module for the handheld MX908 High-Pressure Mass Spectrometer.
The aerosol module detects and identifies aerosolized chemical threats and includes:
- Added targets that allow responders to recognize additional priority drug substances
- Bluetooth capability to export reports and device history to Android devices
Real-time monitoring for aerosolized threats
The MX908 with Aero enables real-time monitoring for aerosolized threats, including aerosolized chemical warfare agents, fourth-generation agents, pharmaceutical-based agents, opioids and more.
Within seconds, the MX908 provides immediate actionable results to guide response protocols for responders, including chemical and hazmat teams, law enforcement, and international customs agents – ensuring that whenever a responder encounters a highly toxic and unknown threat, they are empowered to move forward with fast and intelligent remediation.
New Tech Note: Aerosol Detection and Identification with MX908
In a tech note published by Matt Aernecke PhD, Principal Scientist at 908 Devices, the Aero was tested for performance under controlled laboratory conditions on both solid and liquid aerosols encompassing benign and serious chemical threats.