Bertin’s Coriolis Micro (μ) used to collect SARS-CoV-2

19th May 2020

Bertin's Coriolis Micro (μ) used to collect SARS-CoV-2

The recent COVID-19 outbreak and resulting crisis has highlighted the fundamental need for key workers to analyse biological particles present in the air, especially in a healthcare setting. To effectively identify the bio-contaminants, the collection of the airborne biological particles is essential.

Bertin’s Coriolis Micro (μ) is a portable, innovative biological air sampler, adept at the collection of airborne biological particles. Built to collect viruses, bacteria, mould, pollens and spores in the air, the Coriolis micro is ideal to assist in biological air monitoring.

Using wet cyclonic technology and a high air flow rate, the Coriolis Micro efficiently collects airborne particles in as little as 10 minutes. The acquired liquid sample from the Coriolis Micro, containing biological particles, is compatible with multiple types of biological analysis, including Real Time Quantitive PCR (RT-qPCR), immunoanalysis, and flow cytometry.

The Coriolis Micro has recently been successfully utilised by Imperial College London to collect SARS-CoV-2 in patient’s wards.