Many new features with new identiFINDER 2 radiation detector

9th November 2011

FLIR Radiation, formerly known as Target Instruments and ICx Technologies, has introduced the identiFINDER 2, the latest version in its highly popular range of identiFINDER handheld instruments for the detection and identification of radionuclides.

Available in the UK from Southern Scientific, the identiFINDER 2 is the result of extensive consultation with existing users of the original identiFINDER series. The size, shape, weight and button controls remain unchanged, as does the ability to use scintillation, neutron and GM detectors and the high sensitivity and radionuclide identification accuracy.

The new design has a TFT LCD, 64k colour, 320 x 240 px display that is readable in all light conditions and the spectrum is LED peak stabilised to handle a wide range of count rates and conditions. Wired communication uses a high-speed USB 2.0 connector and wireless communication is via a Class 2.0 Bluetooth interface, with a 10m range. Both methods support the reach-back capability provided with the identiFINDER 2.

A web interface is provided via USB emulated TCPIP (LAN) for monitoring and configuring the identiFINDER 2. Typing the address from the screen into a web browser gives instant access to a virtual identiFINDER 2 to interact with the real one.

Data storage has been enlarged to 1 GB to save more spectra and event information and a twelve channel Sirf III GPS is included for incident location.